Choose your back and sides


Now, in addition to the stock of beautiful Indian rosewood and wengê, I have other woods that you can choose from here, not only by name but by image as well. Have a close look .

Brazilian Rosewood

Botanical name Dalbergia nigra

Known Has The Holy Grail of Tonewoods

Brazilian Rosewood has been used by the great names of the classical guitar for its incredible sound properties. Masters such as Romanillos, Hauser, Fleta and many others have worked with this wood and have had the highest regard for it. More common during the middle decades of the past century, its scarce availability has caused that, nowadays, only the best luthiers can use it for their high-end instruments. Our Unique and limited sets will allow you to add this wood to your guitar.

Density: 800-900 Kg/m3

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Botanical name Cordia dodecandra

Among the well-known precious woods

Ziricote is a strikingly beautiful, very dense tonewood, whose appearance and tone are often compared to Brazilian Rosewood. 

This beautiful and impressive wood has qualities that give the guitar an elegant and luxurious touch, thanks to the contrasts that mark its grain.

But this wood is not only known for its beauty. In addition, it has a strong sound, bright highs and a wide range of harmonics.

Density: 805 Kg/m3

There is no doubt that if you choose the Ziricote back for guitar, you will not be disappointed.

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Exotic Ebony

Diospyros crassiflora Hiern


Exotic ebony is a wood that presents a beautiful color contrast between the dark black characteristic of ebony and lighter areas of pale yellow to pinkish color, in really colorful lengthwise strip patterns. These acoustic guitar backs will generally be counter grained, which gives the pieces a great variation of colors and a unique look. In addition, the ravishingly smooth look of exotic ebony adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the overall aesthetics of the instrument.

Exotic Ebony is really appreciated for making musical instruments, both for the beautiful figures that it has as for the unbeatable acoustic properties. This wood shares qualities with African Ebony, but with a black and white contrast that make amazing patterns. Regarding the sound, it has bright and dynamical tones.

Density: 1000-1275 Kg/m3




Quilted Maple 

  Botanical name  Acer macrophyllum

Trained ears can discern subtle tonal differences between Quilted and Flamed Maple acoustic guitars. The harder Flamed Maple creates a crisp and clear sound with a nice sustain. Meanwhile, the softer Quilted Maple sounds soft and smooth, yet punchier.

 White or light yellow wood colour. There is no distinction between the sapwood and the heartwood. The growth of the wood fibres is distorted in an undulating pattern producing wavy lines know as flames. Beautiful appearance.

Density 610-680 kg/m3.  





Australian Blackwood

Botanical nameAcacia melanoxylon,


Origin: Tasmania, bot. strongly flamed, red-brown this wood is related to Koa

Australian Blackwood possesses a rich and powerful lower mid-range which contributes overall to a warm, dark tone.  As a tonewood, Blackwood sits somewhere between the fullness of Rosewood and the brightness of Mahogany.

Quote :

"Blackwood possesses a rich and powerful lower mid-range which contributes overall to a warm, dark tone. This contrasts with the drier, crisper tones that are realised if Queensland maple or Mahogany is used. As a tonewood, Blackwood sits somewhere between the fullness of Rosewood and the brightness of Mahogany. An unexpected bonus is the contribution Blackwood makes to tone when used as a neck. A Blackwood neck will consistently provide greater volume and clarity than either Queensland Maple or Mahogany" - Pat Evans - The Use of Blackwood in the Australian Guitar-Making Industry, Proceedings of a Blackwood Industry Group (BIG) Workshop, Victoria, 26-29 April 2006.



Swiss Pearwood flamed  

Botanical name Pyrus communis


Pearwood, like maple, has a simple, straightforward tone, but it is more vibrant and has broader presence than maple wood. It produces few overtones. 

North America

Density 630-700 kg/m3

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Bird's Eye Maple white-brown

 Botanical Name Acer saccharum Marsh

 Maple as a tone wood is known for a very linear tone. It is respected for an extended bass range while not losing crispness in the high end. 

Birdseye Maple acoustics is aimed at achieving a direct, punchy tone with a ton of headroom. The addition of Birdseye maple back and sides provides excellent separation to the guitar's tone, ensuring that each note of a chord rings separately without sounding muddy or clustered. Gibson emphasizes the strong fundamental tone and broad dynamic response of their maple guitars. 

North America.

Density 630-700 kg/m3

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Padouk with Sapwood 

 Botanical name pterocarpus tinctorius


The tropical species Padouk has a characteristic bright red color, which however turns gray very quickly. It is a very durable wood, which does not require any preservative treatment: it is therefore an economical and ecological material. Padouk is a tall tree of the dense rainforests of tropical and equatorial Africa.

In terms of sound, Padauk is typically associated with bright, projecting midrange and a clear, balanced tone. It has similar density and hardness to Rosewood, which is another popular choice for guitar tonewood.


Density between 640 and 800 kg/m3

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Aged Flamed Eucalyptus 

Botanical Name:Eucalyptus globulus

 As a result of the problem caused by the inclusion of dalbergias in CITES Appendix 2, every luthier, and tone wood suppliers  began to look for alternatives that could replace the dalbergias that have been used for years in the music industry with guarantees. The objective was to find a wood with the same density, hardness and colour.

Madinter focused exclusively on finding a wood with the same density and hardness and found it at home in Spain. The eucalyptus, Eucalyptus globulus.


This tree is one of the most relevant forest wood species in the Iberian Peninsula, so we find in it a sustainable resource, unlimited and absolute guarantees of legality.

Eucalyptus has the ideal characteristics of density and hardness but it is a light pale yellow wood which, due to its colour the guitar players, collectors and luthiers do not have used before.

After a year and a half of research Madinter  have created a stable product, with a very attractive color, very close to dalbergias.

This isn't one of the most used wood for musical instruments, but it's wining supporters as time goes by. The Curly Eucaliptus has a high mechanic resistance, elasticity and hardness, not forgetting its magnificent grain. 

 Density: 740-830 kg/m3